[E] - U - Programs

The '[E] - U - Programs' report was added at the end of FY24 to facilitate reporting of the Program File Submission to USHE.


  • USHE: Program File Submission 24-25


Parameter Notes
Internal FY Calendar Drop-down box for selecting the desired Fiscal Year


The primary data source comes from Northstar's 'Program Outcome' records. Program Outcomes are included if they meet the following conditions:

  • The record is Active.
  • The record's 'CIP' is not '131105' (Assessment).
  • The record's 'Program Category Type' is COE-approved (COE, EXE, SEC).
  • The record is not a draft.
  • The record's 'Catalog Year' can be parsed to match the 4-digit fiscal year (eg. for FY24: 2024, 2024a, [2024]).


Field Name Source Value
PF_INST Admin Settings Campus Id
PF_YEAR Report Parameter 4-digit value of the selected fiscal year
PF_CIP Program Outcome CIP Code
PF_DEG_TYPE Program Outcome Calculated based on 'Required Hours' value according to the IPEDS Award Level definition
PF_PERKINS Program Outcome 'Y' if the CIP is 'For Perkins', else 'N'
PF_TE - 'Y'
PF_CREDITS_HRS Program Outcome Required Credits
PF_PPA Program Outcome 'Y' if Title IV Eligible is selected, else 'N'
PF_MAJOR Program Name
PF_DE Program Outcome 'Y' if IPEDS Distance Ed is selected, else 'N'

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