Release Notes -v2.22.12.0

Released 2022-12-20

Clearinghouse – Enrollment Reporting

  • Renamed the form from “Clearing House”

Clearinghouse – DegreeVerify [Beta]

  • Added a new form to allow for the creation and management of DegreeVerify data. While the form is in Beta we will be reaching out to each college directly over the new few months to work with you on setting it up and answering any questions.
  • The form is built to output data exactly as defined by the Clearinghouse’s Programming and Testing Guide found on their site:
  • To clarify how Northstar determines each value, we’ve created a companion guide that maps the reported fields form the Clearinghouse guide to the Northstar fields they’re sourced form. The guide is included below.

1098T – 2022

  • Added support for the 2022 PDF report.
  • Reminder: The ‘1098T Records’ form is a central point for managing the 1098T process. The 1098T Reporting Guide can be found at
  • Note: 1098T results can always be previewed starting on 10/1 of the current year by using the ‘[E] – 1098T’ report. For example, on 10/1/2023 you can use that report to preview 2023 results. However, the ‘1098T Records’ form will only allow results to be officially imported in January.

[E] – U – Data Submission – FY23 [Beta]

  • Added a new report that returns data according to the FY23 Data Dictionary format. Some credit-related fields are still being reviewed but the format is correct and is being used as the basis to rebuild new Tableau exports.
  • We’ll also be resolving an issue with the U_COURSE_STRUCTURE and U_DEL_METH fields in early 2023 to ensure that the right options are available in Northstar, and therefore also included in the report output.

[E] – U – Completers – FY23 [Beta]

  • Added a new report that returns data according to the FY23 Data Dictionary format. Some credit-related fields are still being reviewed but the format is correct and is being used as the basis to rebuild new Tableau exports.

Student Admin [Beta]

  • Removed the user limit to allow all student accounts to be listed and reviewed at once
  • Added letter shortcuts that filter by Last Name

Student Merge

  • Added support for merging Clearinghouse records between accounts
  • Fixed an issue with merging Sensitive Info records between accounts

[E] – Sponsored Students

  • Added a CompanyType column to the results


DegreeVerify Reporting Guide

December 9, 2022


In Northstar, a new form called “Clearinghouse – DegreeVerify” is available under the “Campus Management” category in the Navigation pane. This single form is used to centrally generate, review and export results according to the specifications and formatting defined in the ‘DegreeVerify Programming and Testing Guide published by the Clearinghouse. Their guide (linked below) includes additional instructions and details about each of the reported fields. This companion document also includes a list of all of the reportable fields, including mappings that explains which Northstar values are being reported, or comments if the field is not currently supported or applicable to the Technical Colleges. We recommend that you review both this document, as well the Clearinghouse guide, before starting the submission process. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the dev team at


1. Generate

  • Click the “Generate” option at the top of the form to create a new result set. Enter the required parameters and click the “Generate” button. Results are saved as an immutable snapshot that does will not reflect subsequent changes to student data on other Northstar forms.
  • Note: The details section of the report generates one record for each eligible Training Plan. A Training Plan is only eligible if all of the following conditions are met:
    • The credential award date is within the provided Start and Stop date parameters
    • The Award Type of the Program Outcome is not “NON”
    • The CIP of the Program is not Assessment “131105”
    • The Training Plan was not already included in a previous result set that has since been marked as officially “Submitted”.

2. Review

  • Click the “Review” option at the top of the form. Here, all previously generated results can be reviewed and checked for accuracy. Each previously generated result set can be selected and then kept or discarded. The Details list includes a Flags column showing if a record has any errors or warnings. These highlight possible data entry errors or issues that may cause the file to be rejected.

3. Export

  • After reviewing the results, click the “Open Submittable File” link at the bottom of the form to open the formatted file in a new report tab. Click “Export” and save the data as a new text file.

4. Submit

  • Follow the instructions from the Clearinghouse guide to upload and submit the file for processing. After the file is accepted, be sure to mark the result set as such in Northstar by saving a “Submitted” date on the Review page. Note: This is the only way to prevent duplicate records from being recorded in subsequent periods.
  • TIP: After the first catch-up submission is accepted, use the same Start Date parameter and only increment the Stop Date on subsequent files. This will most reliably catch all previously unreported records.


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