Release Notes -v2.22.5.0

Released 2022-05-16

Batch Course Sign-Off

  • Fixed a validation error that could previously allow duplicate modules to be completed in some cases.


  • Added new ‘Instruction Type’, ‘COE Approval Start Date’ and ‘Credits’ fields.
    • Credits are automatically calculated when an Instruction Type and COE Approval Date are provided. Although this gives the Course a Credit value, the Credits will only be conferred to students whose Program enrollment and Sign-Off details also meet the appropriate requirements.
    • An ‘Instruction Type’ can also selected for non-Credit courses but does not have a functional impact. In the future, this field be used for U_INSTRUCT_TYPE reporting instead of the Course Session value.
  • Removed the ‘Is Online’, ‘Is Hybrid’, ‘Online Percent’ and ‘Transcript Other’ fields.
  • Updated the UI layout of the Transcript fields.

Emergency Grants

  • Enabled the ability to update an existing record. This restriction is no longer needed since Grant data is not reported on Form 1098T.

Enrollment Periods

  • Renamed the ‘Senior Citizen’ Enrollment Objective option to ‘Audit Waiver’ to support the updated definition in the FY22 Dictionary.

Inventory Rooms

  • Updated the Room number's validation to allow duplicate room numbers within a building, if and only if, the current room is prorated and all other rooms sharing the number are also prorated.

Program Outcomes

  • Added a new ‘Credits’ field. The field is only available if the ‘Program Category’ is COE-approved. The Credits field is not automatically calculated, but it will prevent exceeding the max allowable amount based on the ‘Required Hours’ divided by 30.
  • Added new ‘COE Distance Ed’ and ‘IPEDS Distance Ed’ fields to support the new definitions inthe FY22 Dictionary.

Tuition Rates (Credits)

  • Added a new form to store the cost per Credit value associated with Credit-based enrollments. Once a following update enables this tuition, this type of charge will only apply to up-front Course enrollments in Credit-bearing Programs that have a COE Approval Date before the enrollment start date.

Tuition Rates (Linear)

  • Renamed the form from “Tuition Linear Schedule”.

Verified Outcomes

  • Added a new ‘VP’ option and updated the previous ‘VH’ option to support the new definitions in the FY22 Dictionary.

Portal API – Student Applications

  • Updated the validation to return more helpful error messages when ‘lookups’ such as matching a high school’s district number or state code fail.
  • Updated the ITIN validation to now correctly allow all valid formats. Previously, newer formats were not supported.

[E] – U – Completers – FY22

  • Added the final FY22 version of the Completers report.
  • Added a U_REQ_CREDITS column that is intentionally blank (U-56).
  • Added a U_PROG_MONTHS column that reports the ‘Program Length’ value from the Program Outcomes form.
  • Added 10 extra V_Custom1, V_Custom2, etc. columns that are currently blank. In the future, they may be used by USHE to provide additional data for Tableau reporting.

[E] – U – Data Submission – FY22

  • The final FY22 version of the Enrollment report will be available later this month

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