Release Notes -v2.22.5.2

Released 2022-05-31

Student Admin [Beta]

  • Added a new form to provide a central hub for bulk student account management. Currently, it’s limited in its usage but we’re planning to expand its abilities by incorporating your feedback about which columns and actions would be most helpful.
    • Note: While early in beta, the form is limited to only displaying a maximum of 5000 accounts. We will remove this limit in a future update.
  • Initially, the form notably includes the following columns, among others:
    • Status: Shows the login ability of each account (similar to the Staff form).
      • CanLogin: account is approved without restrictions
      • RequiresReset: account is approved to login, but requires a new password
      • LockedOut: account is approved but has failed to login after multiple attempts. It must be unlocked via the Demographics form.
      • LoginDisabled: the account is not able to login and has had the ‘CanLogin’ box disabled on the Demographics form.
    • Flags: Displays the selected ‘Flags’ from the related field on the Demographics form.
    • Latest EP Start(Stop): Shows the start and stop dates of the most recent Enrollment Period, regardless of which Training Plan it belongs to or if it has Schedule Details.
  • Added a ‘Require Password Change on Next Login’ button, similar to the ‘Staff’ form. When students with a “CanLogin” status are selected, clicking the button will flag their account so that they must set a new password the next time they login to the Portal.
  • In the future, we are planning to include more admin features such as adding additional Canvas and Google details, allowing account removal and integration deprovisioning, and sending password recovery emails. If you have specific additional requests for other features please let us know.
  • Tip: Double-clicking a student in the list will select their account in the Lookup panel.


  • Updated the manual input field for “IPEDS First-Time” to be optional.
    • By default, the field is still marked as ‘Campus Required’. However, that can be customized by the college to be fully optional via the ‘Authorization’ form if desired.
      • Instructions: Open the Authorization form > Select a Role > Find the Demographics form in the list > Open the ‘Fields’ link > Find ‘FirstTimeTypeKey’ in the list > Uncheck the ‘Campus Required’ box > Save changes
  • Updated the First-Time summary fields to show both the FY21 and FY22 values during this transitory period. Once the FY22 calculation is approved the FY21 values will be removed from the form and the manual input fields will be deprecated

  • Note: The FY21 and FY22 Data Submission reports do not report the manually entered values. They report their respective calculated values only. The manually editable fields are for college reference only.

[E] – U – Data Submission – FY22

  • Added a new report to match the format of the FY22 Data Dictionary, including the following new columns:
    • U_CREDIT_AWARDED: Defined as NULL for FY22.
      • Note: This column is currently always set to NULL, pending an additional following update to finalize those changes. The extensive overhaul of the Course Session records has required additional review to ensure it is working as expected.
    • U_COMP_HOURS: Populated by the reported course enrollment’s hours. NULL for program enrollments.
    • U_CREDITS: Defined as NULL for FY22.
    • U_COE_DISTANCE: Populated by the related field on the Program Outcomes form.
    • U_IPEDS_DISTANCE: Populated by the related field on the Program Outcomes form.
    • U_REQ_CREDITS: Defined as NULL for FY22.
    • U_PROG_MONHS: Populated by the Program Length field on the Program Outcomes form (for COE categorized programs only).
    • V_Custom1 … V_Custom9: These are 9 new placeholder fields that may be used in the future to supply additional information to USHE without requiring the Tableau connection to be reconfigured. They are all currently NULL.
    • X_AutoFirstTimeFY21_DIFF_Code: (see notes below)
    • X_AutoFirstTimeFY21_DIFF_Date: (see notes below)
  • Updated the U_FIRST_CODE and U_FIRST_DATE columns to use the new FY22 Auto-First-Time calculation that follows the Classification Logic document, previously shared at the Data Meeting in February 2021.
    • Note: The FY21 report still uses the previous calculation. Only this new FY22 report uses the new calculation.
    • If the new FY22 values being reported in the U_FIRST_CODE and U_FIRST_DATE columns differ from what can be calculated using the FY21 method, then the old values from FY21’s formula will be displayed in the following fields. If these fields are blank, that means the calculated results for FY21 and FY22’s logic was the same.
      • X_AutoFirstTimeFY21_DIFF_Code
      • X_AutoFirstTimeFY21_DIFF_Date

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