Release Notes -v2.22.7.0

Released 2022-07-18

Incomplete: Insert FY22: Northstar First-Time Automation image (2022-06-21)

First-Time Automation (originally released June 24)

  • Updated the calculation logic to resolve an issue with HS->FH/FF reporting. In the initial FY22- style calculation the HS status was being kept, even after a student returned with an Adult enrollment. Their reported status will now correctly change, as it did in the FY21-style calculation.
  • Updated how FF/FH statuses are determined for students that don’t have a HS Graduation Date on file. Now, a student-specific ‘calculated’ graduation date is internally used by the report based on their birth year and birth month.
  • Created a new flowchart that details how Northstar calculates which status to report.
  • Note: This update addresses all of the feedback we’ve received to date, so if anyone has any other questions or feedback about the FY22-style automation please let us know.
  • Note: From the v2.22.5.2 release notes:
    • The FY21 and FY22 Data Submission reports do not report the manually entered values. They report their respective calculated values only. The manually editable fields are for college reference only.
    • Once the FY22 calculation is approved the FY21 values will be removed from the form and the manual input fields will be deprecated.
      • In the meantime, manually capturing First-Time information on the Demographics form is not necessary and the fields can be adjusted to be optional.

Program Outcomes

  • Renamed the “Credits” field to “Required Credits”.


  • Renamed the “COE Credit Approval Date” field to “Credit Implementation Date”
  • Added a “Has Completions” checkbox to the top-right corner of the edit window to indicate if any student’s have completed sign-offs for that course. If the course does not yet have completions, then the “Show on Transcript” and “Transcript Grade” fields can still be edited even after students are scheduled.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the “Clone” record feature from saving changes when the source course had previously been scheduled.

Program API

  • Added a new “RequiredCredits” field to the JSON return type.
    • Note: This is currently only available on the /Test site so that you can confirm compatibility before it is added to the live /Portal site. Please test your API integration against the new /Test endpoint to ensure you can capture the new field as expected.
      • The same “RequiredCredits” field will be added the live /Portal site API in a future update.
    • The API endpoint can be browsed by visiting

Schedule Details / Tuition

  • Updated the course ordering to reflect the assigned order defined on the program’s curriculum outline.

    Added a Credits column to the Schedule Detail form’s Class drop-down.

    • If a course does not have Credits defined, the column will be blank. (eg. Test 1)
    • If a course has Credits defined, but the student has not yet been scheduled into the course, or the student has been scheduled under ineligible circumstances, then the column will appear shaded/disabled (and with an asterisk) to indicate that the Credit value does not apply to this specific student. (eg. Potions 101)
    • If a course has Credits defined, and the student has been scheduled into the course under eligible circumstances, then the column will be displayed in the same, full text style as the other columns. (eg. Potions 202)
    • Eligible schedules must:
      • be within a COE-approved program outcome that defines a value for “Required Credits”
      • be into a course session that has a “Tuition Process Type” of “FRONT”
        • “TPP”/monthly variable tuition is not supported for credit-eligible enrollments
      • be into a course that defines a value for “Credits”, “Instruction Type” and “Credit Implementation Date”
      • have an enrollment effective start date on or after the course’s “Credit Implementation Date”
  • Added support for eligible enrollments to charge tuition at the $/cr. rate defined on the “Tuition Rates – Credits” form.
    • When a tuition item was charged at the credit rate, the display text for that item will end with “(CR)”

    • Note: If a credit tuition rate has not yet been defined that covers the enrollment’s start date, the student will still be able to schedule into the course but it will charge a $0.00 tuition item. If a tuition rate is added late, please contact the dev team for assistance in syncing the pending tuition charges.

Course Sign-Off

  • Added a Credits column to the Course drop-down to indicate if credits are defined for that Course, and if the student’s specific completion is eligible to have them issued.

    • If a course does not have Credits defined, the column will be blank.
    • If a course has Credits defined, but the student has not yet completed the course, or the student has completed the course under ineligible circumstances, then the column will appear shaded/disabled (and with an asterisk) to indicate that the value does not apply to this specific student.(eg. Potions 101)
    • If a course has Credits defined, and the student completed the course under eligible circumstances, then the column will be displayed in the same, full text style as the other columns. (eg. Potions 202)
    • An eligible completion must:
      • be for a course that defines Credits on the Course form
      • be for a course that is associated with at least one Credit-bearing Program Outcome (even if that Program Outcome is not the one into which the student is currently enrolled)
      • have a “Date Completed” value on or after the Course’s “Credit Implementation Date”
      • either not be “Alt-Comp”, or have an “Alt-Comp” type of “Transfer” or “Test Out” (all other Waiver types and the legacy Alt-Doc completion type are not eligible to issue Credits)
  • Replaced the “Alt-Doc”, “Alt-Doc Reason” and “Is Military” fields with new “Alt-Comp” themed fields. The primary difference is that now, to record an alternative completion source at the course-level, you must select a specific source from a drop-down. The new fields allow for more detailed data to be captured so that Northstar can reliably determine if Credit should be issued for the completion.
    • The * in the drop-down indicates that only “Transfer” and “Test Out” sources are capable of establishing credit for eligible completions.
    • Any course that was completed prior to this feature’s release will have the default Alt-Doc (Pre-FY23) option selected, to indicate that a specific source selection was not known. If the old “Is Military” box had been checked, then the “Alt-Comp” source will be set as “Waiver – Military”.

    • If “Transfer” is selected, additional information about the source institution must also be provided
      • The list of Institutions is populated from the “Post-Secondary Schools” form.

Various Forms

  • Updated the way Course and Program Outcome information is displayed throughout the entire application. Wherever a Course, Program Outcome or Training Plan is displayed, the Credit information will be displayed where applicable, and the format of the text and data is now much more consistent.
  • Examples:

Assign Variable Calendar

  • Updated the Course Session filter to include sessions up to 100 days in the past. The previous limit was 60 days.

Sponsor Refund

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Max Cash Payout setting to incorrectly limit EFT amounts.

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