Release Notes -v2.22.10.1

Released 2022-10-10

Incomplete: Insert image of Northstar First-Time Automation (2022-09-16)

First-Time Automation (rev.6)

  • Updated the calculation for determining FH to consider the student as being Secondary until the end of their latest Enrollment Period, if later than their expected Graduation Date. This changes some FF statuses to FH.
  • Updated the flowchart document to reflect the possibility for non-Secondary students to also have a path to the CS status. This was previously already supported in the automation logic, and was only missing from the visual diagram. (see attachment at end of release notes)
  • Updated the FY21 Data Submission to use the latest automation. This will allow the latest values to be exported in the current USHE Tableau exports, starting from 10/11


  • Updated the validation to allow most of the ‘core’ fields to be updated by the user. Some fields were previously limited in v2.22.5.1 to prevent unintended changes to historically reported or processed data. Now, fields such as Name and Number can be changed by first opting in to the “Enable Restricted Fields” option at the bottom of the edit window

  • Added a ‘Status’ column to the courses list. Currently, two statuses are available which indicate if the Course has already been scheduled into, or completed, by at least one student. Additional statuses will likely be added in the future

[R] – Transcript – FY23 [Beta]

  • Added a preview of a new Transcript report. While in ‘beta’, the report is only available within Northstar and has not replaced the current Transcript that’s available to students on the Portal.
  • The report adds a Credits column and conditional information when the course is completed via an alternative ‘Transfer’

  • Since displaying credits and transfers is new to FY23, the report is temporarily in ‘beta’ so that it can be reviewed. Please provide feedback about any necessary or helpful additional changes before it becomes the default report in early 2023

Student Lookup

  • Updated the Google and Canvas account indicators to now serve a function when clicked. The Google logo will copy the student’s email address. The Canvas logo will now open the student’s account in an external browser window (similar to the Student Admin form).
  • Updated the display of the Names and Preferred Name. Previously, preferred name was appended to the end of the regular name and was often too far to the right side to easily see.
  • Updated the style of the DemoKey and StudentID copy functions.
  • Added feedback when a field is copied. A message is displayed across the bottom of the screen

Training Plans

  • Added back an ‘Award Type’ column to the list view, similar to the Program Outcomes form. The column used to be titled ‘Outcome Type’ and was previously removed in v2.22.7.0 when the ‘Category’ column was added.


  • Fixed a validation error that was preventing manually selected First-Time codes from being saved if a First-Time date wasn’t also provided.
  • Note: the manual fields will be deprecated soon anyway in favor or always displaying and reporting the FY22 calculation for automated values.

Program Outcomes

  • Fixed a bug in the ‘Edit Curriculum’ window that could cause course assignments to save incorrectly when dragging and dropping courses between emphases.

[E] – Veteran Status

  • Updated the report filter to only include students with a Veteran code of ‘V’ or ‘D’. Previously, codes of ‘N’ were also being included.
  • Corrected an error with how the ‘Enrollment Stops After’ and ‘Enrollment Starts Before’ date parameters are applied.
  • Because the dates are optional, if none are provided, all students with a code of ‘V’ or ‘D’ will be included.
  • If either or both dates are provided, only students having Enrollment Period dates that overlap the provided dates will be included.
  • Updated the ‘Programs’ column to only show Programs that pertain to the parameter dates, when provided.
  • Added new ‘EP_MaxStartDate’ and ‘EP_MaxStopDate’ to included context about why each student is included when using the date parameters.
  • Note: It’s possible that the MaxStartDate and MaxStopDate could come from two different Enrollment Periods if the student was enrolled in two overlapping Programs.

[E] - Fees - Admin, [E] - Fees – Instructor

  • Added and updated various columns to include more contextual information about the enrollment and fiscal status of each fee.
    • Renamed the ‘PreAdjustmentTotal’ to ‘OriginalSubtotal’.
    • OriginalSubtotal = (Fee Amount * Quantity) + Tax
    • Added a ‘FinalSubtotal’ column.
      • FinalSubtotal = OriginalSubtotal +/- AdjustmentTotal +/- SystemAdjustmentTotal
      • FinalSubtotal of 0 indicates the Fee is no longer assessed to the student.
    • Added a ‘RefundTotal’ column, in addition to the existing ‘PaymentTotal’ column.
    • Added a ‘Balance’ column. Balance is synonymous with the amount remaining due.
    • Balance = FinalSubtotal – PaymentTotal + RefundTotal
    • Added an ‘enr_Program’ column to display the Program Year/Name related* to the fee.
    • Added an ‘enr_Class’ column to display the Class Number/Name related* to the fee.
    • Added ‘enr_Begin’ and ‘enr_End’ columns to display the earliest and latest Schedule Detail dates from the related* class enrollment.
    • Note*: If the fee has AutoCharged = false, the ‘enr_....’ fields will always be NULL. This is because only automatically assessed fees are associated with a specific enrollment and manually added fees are not.
    • Note*: If the fee is a recurring fee that has AutoCharged = true, the ‘enr_Program’, ‘enr_Class’, ‘enr_Begin’ and ‘enr_End’ columns may still be NULL. These fields are currently limited to fees tied to only one enrollment, whereas recurring fees could have their eligibility derived from multiple concurrent classes.

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