Release Notes -v2.23.5.0

Released 2023-05-30

Student Lookup

  • Updated how Program and Status summaries are displayed.
    • Added a “(CR)” suffix for credit-based programs.
    • Changed formatting to show each Program and Status on separate lines. The ordering is shared so that the top Program is paired to the top Status.
    • Before:

    • After:

[E] – U – Completers – FY23 [beta]

  • Updated the results and/or calculation for the following fields:

[E] – U – Data Submission – FY23 [beta]

  • This report will be officially updated later this week and we’ll notify you again when it’s available.
    • There is one college for whom the Scheduled and Expected hours calculations changed enough that they warrant closer review. For most colleges, the changes were not notable.
  • Corrected reported values for U_DEL_METH and U_COURSE_STRUCTURE.
  • Updated the logic that determines whether U_EXPECTED_HRS or U_SCHEDULED_HRS are reported. It’s calculation is now based solely on U_COURSE_STRUCTURE.
  • Overhauled the report query to ensure consistent results. Each class enrollment (for which X_EnrollmentGroupKey indicates a unique enrollment) is now guaranteed to have only one result row. Previously, if an enrollment was linked to multiple Instruction Types, Delivery Types, Session Types or Site Types then the class enrollment could be shown multiple times with conflicting hour values.

Admin Settings

  • Added a “Student OU” field to display which Organizational Unit is being used by the Google integration when creating new accounts. This field was already being used internally, and is now displayed on the form.

Portal - Program API

  • Added a new “EstimatedTuitionCredits” field. If a program has credits, this value will be the Program Outcome’s Required Credits x the current Credit Tuition Rate (eg. 30cr * $80/cr = $2400).

Course Reports

  • Added Credit-related columns and data to various course reports.
  • Credit values are only displayed if the Program Outcome is also credit-bearing.
    • If the Program Outcome is not credit-bearing, the Credit field will show “N/A”.
  • Updated Reports:
    • [R] – Certification Syllabus
    • [R] – Course Description
    • [R] – Curriculum Compare
    • [R] – Curriculum Evaluation
    • [R] – Batch Curriculum Evaluation
    • [R] – Enrollment Agreement

Completion Reports

  • Added Credit-related columns and data to various student completion reports.
  • These reports differ from the “Course Reports” category above because now the Credits field is customized to each student.
  • Credit values are only displayed if the Program Outcome is also credit-bearing.
    • If the Program Outcome is not credit-bearing, the Credit field will show “N/A”.
  • Credit values are prefixed with an asterisk (*) if the student is ineligible to receive, or has otherwise not yet been awarded the Credits. This is visually similar to the Northstar UI on the Course Sign-Off form.
  • Credit values are suffixed with (TF) if they were awarded as the result of a Transfer from another


    • Note: The transferred credit value can differ from the local credit value of the course defined in


  • Updated Reports:
    • [R] – Completion Evaluation
    • [R] – Batch Completion Evaluation
    • [R] – Course Progress
    • [R] – Batch Course Progress
    • [R] – Module Completion

[R] – Student Progress, [R] – Batch Student Progress

  • These are the last completion reports that are still pending Credit changes and will be updated in the upcoming June or July release.
  • If there are any other reports that we’ve missed that still need Credit values added to them, please let us know as soon as possible so we can update them as well.

Notifications [Beta]

  • Updated the results of the “Attendance” notification to prevent duplication and include extra context about each row.

Fee Types

  • Fixed an issue that prevented some fees from being created using the Clone option.

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