Release Notes -v2.23.11.0

Released 2023-11-06

Admin Settings

  • Added a new Canvas setting that allows an ‘Orientation Course’ to be chosen from a list of Canvas courses. If selected, new Canvas accounts created through Northstar will be enrolled into the orientation course automatically.

Daily Auto-Drop

  • Updated how stop dates are treated when a student is dropped for non-payment. Now, the tuition and fee charges will remain due on the account even if the drop date takes place after the schedule has started.


  • Added UI support for courses that have partial credits. If the CIP allows partial credits, then the Credits field will be enabled and allow you to override the default calculated value.
  • Added a ‘Budget Code’ column to the list view.

FY24 Reporting

  • Data Submission
    • Moved U_CREDITS_ATT to be the last U_ column, as defined in the latest Data Glossary.
    • Added a filter so that course enrollments will only be reported if the course CIP is set as mission-related.
  • Data Submission & Completers
    • Updated U_PROG_LOC so that it only reports a value if the U_CAT_TYPE is COE-approved. This way, program locations can continue to be collected for all enrollments in Northstar without triggering a validity check error.

Clocking Station

  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the course end date from being displayed for some enrollments.

Course Sign-Off

  • Fixed an issue with Self-Scheduling that was causing some Lab enrollments to incorrectly be flagged as ineligible.


  • Fixed an issue with Self-Scheduling that caused the hour-based cost to be displayed instead of the credit-based cost when students are completing their next course registration.

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