Release Notes -v2.23.1.0

Released 2023-01-17

USHE Tableau Exports

  • The current data sources used to populate many USHE dashboards utilize an older export process designed around the FY21 submission reports. We have now created and deployed a new export process that is sending data to USHE based on the latest FY23 reports.
  • Now that the data connection is working for FY23, we will follow-up with USHE to coordinate the migration of their dashboards to the new data source. Once complete, the old local tables and processes for FY21 will be removed.
  • At the local college, the following new tables are available and populated nightly. These tables can also be referenced locally by Tableau Desktop and are exact copies of the data being sent to USHE.
    • RoverTableau.tableau.U_v23_Export_CompletersFY
    • RoverTableau.tableau.U_v23_Export_DataSubmissionFY
    • RoverTableau.tableau.U_v23_Export_DataSubmissionFYTD
    • RoverTableau.tableau.U_v23_Export_PerkinsProgramsFY
      • Note, although the version is 23, the data populated in this comes from the FY22 Perkins report.
    • RoverTableau.tableau.U_v23_Export_PerkinsStudentsFY
      • Note, although the version is 23, the data populated in this comes from the FY22 Perkins report.
  • Note, a similar migration is also expected to take place again this fall for FY24, but that process will be much quicker and we’ll share more details as FY24 approaches.


  • Disabled changes to the manual First Time fields. Reporting has been using the automated values for the last 2 years and the latest FY22 version of the calculation doesn’t have any further revisions planned. A future update will further simplify how the First Time data is displayed on this form.
    • If the fields are still showing as required even though they’re unavailable, please check that they are not ‘Campus Required’ on the Authorization form.
  • If your college is still using the manual fields for a process we’re not familiar with, please send an email to and we will re-enable those fields temporarily at your institution. Then we’ll discuss long-term support options or alternatives further.
  • Fixed an issue that could allow duplicate Student Flag records to be created.

Inventory Buildings

  • Updated the length of the (RISK) Building Number field from 5 to 12 characters to match the FY23 Inventory Buildings Dictionary.

[E] – U – Perkins – FY22

  • Added a new Perkins report that uses the FY22 Data Submission as its population source. The column structure and reporting methodology is otherwise unchanged from the FY21 report.

Clearinghouse – DegreeVerify

  • Added formatting to remove special characters from text fields such as FirstName and LastName, based on feedback from NSC.

Clearinghouse – Enrollment Reporting

  • Added a pop-up warning to the form that will display a reminder when the form is opened, if the previously generated results have not been marked as Submitted. Marking results as submitted is important to ensure that subsequent results can accurately report enrollment status changes.
  • Added formatting to remove special characters from text fields such as FirstName and LastName, based on feedback from NSC.

[R] – Course Progress, [R] – Batch Course Progress

  • Fixed a formatting error preventing results from being displayed for students in specific cases.

Academic Standards

  • Fixed an issue preventing notification emails from being sent to students in specific cases.

Student Merge

  • Improved the error messages that are displayed with the selected student accounts have conflicting completion dates for the same course.

Schedule Details

  • Fixed an issue preventing the Credits value in the Class drop-down from updating to reflect a confirmed Credit-enrollment when saving schedule changes.

Completions (discontinued)

  • Appended “(discontinued)” to the name of the Completions form, as it is no longer used to track program completions.
  • Added validation to prevent completion dates from being recorded later than 6/30/2020.

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