Enter Class Roll

Instructors are encouraged to submit Class Roll daily. The Class Roll will list all students that are scheduled in  courses you teach on the particular day you open the Class Roll. On this form you will mark daily attendance, enter extern/clinical hours, and enter/edit clock-ins.  

Submitting the Class Roll Daily:

  1. Open the “Class Roll” form under Instructional Management.

  1. The form should load with today’s date. It is extremely important to pay attention to the date that loads on the Class Roll. If there is an older date shown other than today’s date, then that means there was a Class Roll from an earlier date that was not updated appropriately. You will need to fix that Roll and update it.

  1. Select the Load button on the right side of the Class Roll date. Students that are scheduled for the day will appear on the class role. You can sort the Roll by selecting any of the headers and using the filters.
    • If you notice there is a roll for your entire class showing for a date you do not have class, please email the SIS specialist.
    • If you notice an individual student has an issue, showing in the wrong time or on the wrong day, please email your student services representative to fix the individual student schedule.

  1. There are three different ways of marking attendance and scheduling students. Which way you mark attendance is determined by how the student is scheduled.
    • If a student is getting credit for hours done outside their normal scheduled class time, they will be put into an externship and you will mark the hours in the clinical column on the roll.
    • If a student is scheduled into a normal block schedule, you will just mark the correct attendance mark in the appropriate column determined by the time the student is scheduled into.
    • If a student is scheduled into a clock-in station, their attendance will be marked as they clock in and out. Any corrections to this or absences will be marked in the lab column.

You may see only one of these option on your roll or you may see all of these options on your roll. It is important you know how to mark each one in order for the student and college to receive credit for the enrolled and attended hours. 

  1. Students will need to have an “A” or “P” listed in each hour block they are scheduled to be in class at the end of the day.
A= Absent student
P= Present student
A!= The student clocked in at least __ minutes past the hour they were scheduled to be in class
P!= The student clocked in, but forgot to clock out

As the students clock in and out by using the clock-in stations, P’s will begin to appear on the roll. Select the Load button at the top of the Roll periodically to update as you see students clock in and out.

Right click inside each time block to quickly mark all students present or absent. "Mark All Day Unsubmitted Absent" will change the blank attendance status to absent for all students in every time block.

  1. At the end of the day, make sure that your Roll is clear of any P! and A! and ensure that there are no blank hour marks for each student.

  1. Select the Save button in the lower left-hand corner to submit your Roll for the day.

If you don’t clear every P! and A! at the end of each day, Northstar will generate that date each time you open the Class Roll to remind you that you have unsubmitted rolls.

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