Enroll Student into a Course

Under the Student Management menu, there are 3 main forms you will be working in: Training Plans, Enrollment Periods, and Schedule Details.

1. Select a Student

Start by choosing which student will be updated:

  • Search for the student in the Student Lookup panel
  • Review the results and double-click the student's name.
Student Lookup Panel

2. Add A Training Plan

Find the Training Plan form under the Student Management menu and double-click it.

  • In the Training Plan form, select the "Add" button and enter the Program Outcome and Start Date. Check with your institution if any other fields are required.
  • Once all data has been entered, select the “Insert” button.

Adding a New Training Plan Window

3. Add Enrollment Period

Open the Enrollment Periods form by using the link located on the bottom of the Training Plan form.

  • In the Training Plan field, select the Program Outcome that was created.
  • Select the "Add" button and enter the required data.
  • Selec "Insert".
Adding a New Enrollment Period Window

4. Enter Schedule Details

Use the Schedule Details link on the bottom of the Enrollment Period form.

  • Select the Enrollment Period and Class.
  • Select the Effective Date and click "Show".
  • Use the filters in the columns to see Available Sessions for specific days and times.
  • Select a session and click the right arrow button (>) to drag it to Enrolled Sessions.
  • Once all sessions have been selected, enter the Update Reason and select "Save Enrolled Sessions".
Schedule Details Form

Accessing the forms:

  • In the Student Lookup panel, quick links takes you to the forms
      • Programs = Training Plans
      • Status = Enrollment Periods
      • Hours/Week = Schedule Details
  • In the Navigation panel, find the Student Management menu and double-click on the form.
  • On the bottom of the Navigation panel, use the Quick Filter to search for the form.
Student Lookup & Navigation Panel

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