Import Demographics

This functionality is used to create multiple new students at a time.

The column names in the Excel sheet need to match the Demographics names exactly. The value in the Key columns should match the drop-down text exactly, and yes/no fields such as GED can be answered with 0 or 1 to reflect no or yes respectively.

1. Open the Demographics Form

    • Under the Student Management menu, double-click the Demographics form.
    • Click the "import" button that is located on the bottom right-hand corner.
    • On the right, red/pink columns are required, blue columns are optional.

2. Select your excel file

    • Click the "Browse" button to select your file.
    • Click "Open". All of the columns that were successfully matched will turn green.
    • Click "Import All". A confirmation window should pop up.

3. Review Newly Created Student Accounts

    • In the Student Lookup panel, search for a newly created student.
    • Open the student account and click on the student's name which opens their demographics
    • Review the data that was imported.
    • If you would like to review another student account, hit the "New Student" button on the upper right-hand corner. This will close the current student and keep a blank demographics form.
    • After the next student is selected, the demographics form should be filled with their data

Sample excel file:

Results in Northstar after hitting the "Open" button:

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